Offshore Development Center
The offshore development center is a very popular business model to increase productivity by leveraging offshore talent at a much lower cost.
We at Fecund, specialized in delivering our services to businesses using the Offshore Development Model by providing dedicated resources in the environment that matches your security and related norms.
Staff Augmentation
Businesses working on big budgets projects, a tight schedule deadline or a new business opportunity understand the value of getting the right person at the right time. We work towards bridging the gap between IT talent and business by leveraging our top-notch recruitment system with a complete focus on the client’s requirement and approval.
We place our consultants both offshore and Onsite.
OCAS (Offshore Center As A Service)
With evolution in the global IT and software development market, the Offshore Development Center is increasingly becoming popular. At Fecund, we help you in building your own captive offshore center with an idea to grow your business.
Should you decide to setup your own entity, we offer services right from setup to transition and continuity.
Traditional Offshore Centre
Most of our customers leverage their partnership and build relationships with us by utilizing our offshore center that extends its IT expertise and efficiency to its clients keeping everything cost effective. We at Fecund, provide offshore support, maintenance, and development services irrespective of the project size.